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Giffords Endorses Five Gun Safety Champion Attorneys General

Washington DC — Giffords PAC, the gun safety organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, announced its endorsement of California Attorney General Rob Bonta, Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, and Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul in their re-election campaigns. Additionally, Giffords is proud to endorse State Senator Jen Jordan, who is running to be Georgia’s next Attorney General. 

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords: 

“Every day, more than 100 lives are lost unnecessarily to gun violence, but courageous leaders with years of public safety experience will make our communities safer. That’s why Giffords is endorsing such a strong slate of attorneys general. With levels of gun violence spiking to record highs, the role of attorneys general in protecting our children, families, and members of law enforcement by supporting and protecting commonsense gun laws is more important than ever. These candidates have a record of achieving real results, and we know they’ll work hand in hand with law enforcement officers and community partners to bolster public safety in the years to come. Giffords is proud to endorse these champions.”

The slate of endorsed candidates includes:

  • Rob Bonta (CA-AG): Throughout his career, Attorney General Rob Bonta has been a leader in the fight against gun violence. He was a consistent advocate for commonsense gun safety reforms in the California State Assembly, and has made gun violence prevention research a top priority since assuming his current office. He has strongly championed legislation that would ensure victims harmed by gun industry misconduct can seek accountability and justice in the courts, and he has continued to elevate the critical role of frontline violence intervention workers in breaking cycles of violence. Attorney General Bonta has also worked through the courts and the legislature to address the threat of illegal ghost guns, and has prioritized efforts to curb gun trafficking and recover illegally owned guns through California’s Armed and Prohibited Persons System program. When the gun lobby launched unmerited attacks on California’s strong gun laws, Attorney General Bonta stepped up and successfully defended them. 
  • Aaron Ford (NV-AG): Attorney General Aaron Ford has been undeterred in his fight to keep Nevada’s families safe from gun violence throughout his career. He has fought to close the state’s gun show loophole, and supports increasing funding for lifesaving research into the root causes of gun violence. He has also led the fight to keep unserialized, untraceable ghost guns off the street and to enact bans on bump stocks and silencers like the ones used in the tragic 1 October mass shooting in Las Vegas. Attorney General Ford knows that unchecked guns can cause a serious threat to members of law enforcement, and for this reason, he has worked with Governor Sisolak to expand Nevada’s background checks to include private party sales. 
  • Jen Jordan (GA-AG): As a state senator, attorney, and the mother of two school-age children, Jen Jordan knows that it is past time for elected officials to reduce crime and strengthen our weak gun safety laws. If elected, she hopes to put a particular emphasis on cracking down on the illegal gun trade, protecting Georgians fundamental rights, and keeping communities safe from violence. As a legislator, Jordan worked closely with law enforcement and local prosecutors, and she authored bipartisan legislation to prohibit individuals convicted of domestic abuse from owning or possessing firearms. She also cosponsored legislation that would require Georgians to undergo training before being able to receive a firearms license and has supported bills to require background checks on all gun transfers and purchases. In office, Jordan has been a vocal opponent of Georgia’s dangerous permitless carry legislation, which puts the general public at an increased risk for harm.
  • Josh Kaul (WI-AG): Attorney General Josh Kaul has been a determined leader in the fight to bolster public safety. Prior to his time as attorney general, Kaul worked as a federal prosecutor in Baltimore—where he saw firsthand the devastating impacts of gun violence up close. Attorney General Kaul understands that effectively fighting crime requires a comprehensive approach. He knows that keeping guns out of the hands of felons and others who’ve been shown to be dangerous needs to be a top priority, and he has called for the passage of legislation to expand background checks. Attorney General Kaul is a passionate advocate for enacting extreme risk protection order laws in Wisconsin, and has also supported a prohibition on the manufacturing of ghost guns.  In office, he has called for an increase in the felony classification for repeat straw purchase and felon-in-possession cases, knowing that these policies would decrease the likelihood that dangerous people could acquire a firearm in his state.
  • Dana Nessel (MI-AG): Attorney General Dana Nessel is an unmatched leader in the movement to keep communities safe from violence, and she has been a vocal advocate for commonsense gun safety measures since her first day in office. As a former prosecutor and civil rights attorney, Attorney General Nessel has seen firsthand how the introduction of firearms into an argument can quickly destroy the lives of victims, perpetrators, and families alike. She has worked diligently to close the boyfriend loophole, a deadly gap in the law that allows individuals with a history of committing domestic violence to access firearms, and, in her official capacity, she has signed onto multiple amicus briefs challenging the constitutionality of dangerous policies that put Americans at an increased risk of becoming victims of gun violence. She has also taken measures to get unserialized ghost guns off the street. In response to the deadly shooting at Oxford High School, Attorney General Nessel pushed to enact strong safe storage laws that would help keep loaded weapons out of the hands of Michigan’s children. 


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