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New Giffords PAC TV Ads Attack Colorado GOP Senate Nominee for Opposing Gun Safety Reforms

Giffords PAC is Spending $2.5 Million on Compelling New Ads Criticizing Colorado Republican Senate Nominee Joe O’Dea

Denver, CO — Today, Giffords PAC, the gun violence prevention organization founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, released two compelling newTV ads criticizing the Republican nominee for Senate in Colorado, Joe O’Dea, for his opposition to commonsense gun safety reforms. The ads feature local voices that represent trusted messengers in the gun violence debate: a veteran and a mother. One ad features a Colorado veteran who discusses the damage weapons of war can cause, and the other features a mother concerned for her children’s safety at school. Giffords PAC is spending $2.5 million airing the ads—as well as a previously released ad—over broadcast, cable, and digital platforms over the next three weeks to defeat Joe O’Dea. 


Recent polling from the Pew Research Center and the Associated Press shows that gun safety is a top concern for voters. In Colorado, a recent poll found that gun violence is a top concern among Latinos in the state, with 83% saying they fear their child could be the victim of a mass shooting. This same poll found that 85% of Latinos in Colorado support universal background checks for all firearm sales, in line with the AP poll showing 85% of all Americans support universal federal background checks.

Peter Ambler, Executive Director and Co-Founder, Giffords:

“Coloradans are having conversations around their kitchen tables about the horrors of gun violence, and they are eager to support candidates who will stand up to the corporate gun lobby. Joe O’Dea refuses to consider any new gun safety reforms and his views on gun safety are unpopular with the vast majority of Coloradans. We are confident the voters in the Centennial state want to build on the progress Senator Michael Bennet has achieved and will oppose Joe O’Dea because of his unwillingness to keep communities safe.”

Abbi Reznicek, Denver Area Mother of Two:

“When you send your kids to school, you expect to pick them up at the end of the day. Tragically, with the number of school shootings we see in the United States, we know that isn’t always the case. But instead of keeping kids safe by supporting commonsense gun laws, Joe O’Dea sides with the gun lobby. He has said that he won’t support any new gun laws, despite the fact that these laws are proven to save lives. Coloradans need someone who will stand up for them in Washington DC. That person is Senator Michael Bennet.”

Vic Bencomo, Navy Combat Veteran:

“I spent 22 years in the United States Navy and I’ve seen what weapons of war can do. I fought to protect this country and keep Americans safe. Joe O’Dea isn’t fighting for us. He stands with the gun lobby and has even said he opposes commonsense gun laws. As a father, veteran, and gun owner for safety, this is unacceptable. Guns are now the number one cause of death for children in the United States and are responsible for a majority of American suicide deaths, which is an epidemic in the veteran community. Colorado deserves a leader with the courage to act. Coloradans need to reelect Senator Michael Bennet and reject the gun lobby’s candidate.”

Giffords PAC endorsed Senator Michael Bennet for reelection at the beginning of 2022 because of his record of comprehensive, bipartisan solutions to stop gun violence. Most recently, Bennet proudly supported the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which secured his longtime legislative priority of barring perpetrators of domestic violence from being able to access firearms. In March of 2022, Senator Bennet also voted to pass government funding legislation that reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act.

Colorado is home to one of the most active chapters in Gifford’s Gun Owners for Safety which held multiple roundtable events featuring Senator Michael Bennet and other prominent elected state officials. Colorado Gun Owners for Safety members have also been active on the state level, even testifying in front of the Colorado House Judiciary Committee in order to urge the passage of responsible gun laws.

The Giffords PAC helped elect Senator John Hickenlooper in Colorado in 2020 by launching a $1.25 million ad campaign and hosting several joint campaign events criticizing then-Senator Cory Gardner’s cozy relationship with the NRA. In 2018, Giffords PAC helped elect Congressman Jason Crow by launching a $2 million ad campaign targeting then-Congressman Mike Coffman for refusing to stand up to the NRA.


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