GIFFORDS: DeSantis’s Permitless Push Backfires, Poll Numbers Crater
New Fox News poll shows DeSantis losing ground as he pushes radical plan to abolish training & background check requirements for concealed carry
Miami, FL — On Thursday, GIFFORDS Florida released a statement ahead of the Florida Senate’s expected passage of Republicans’ dangerous and unpopular “Anyone with a Gun” permitless carry legislation. The vote comes a day after Fox News found Governor Ron DeSantis losing ground in his expected presidential campaign against former president Donald Trump. “Trump has doubled his lead since February and is up by 30 points over Ron DeSantis,” Fox News declared.
GIFFORDS Florida Senior Advisor and former Congresswoman Debbie Mucarsel-Powell:
“Governor DeSantis committed political malpractice and is reaping the consequences. He hoped his push to make our state more dangerous would come with political payoff but it did the exact opposite. The rest of us have known for months that a large majority of Floridians opposed his reckless ‘Anyone with a Gun’ permitless carry bill, but he must have been too busy scooping pudding to put his finger to the wind.
“Voters across the political spectrum are crying out for both parties to stand up to extreme voices in the gun lobby and pass commonsense measures to fix our broken gun laws. It’s time for Republicans in Tallahassee and Washington to wake up and realize the debate among voters is over—they want action. Let’s get it done.”
GIFFORDS released polling in September 2022 that found three in five Florida voters opposed permitless carry. The same poll found overwhelmingly bipartisan support for universal background checks (76%).
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