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Here’s Why Gun Owners Support the Harris-Walz Ticket 

“I’ve hunted and shot guns since I was 12, and throughout my life I was always taught that with the rights of gun ownership comes responsibility.”

The gun lobby thinks it speaks for all gun owners—but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.

For years, the NRA, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), and other gun lobby groups have used right-wing extremism and fear-based marketing to sell their products. They create problems—like drumming up fear that the government is coming to take away our guns—that only they can solve. 

But responsible gun owners know that this is just a front for the gun lobby’s own selfish interests. The government doesn’t want to take away our guns—it wants to enact commonsense laws to save our children’s lives. It doesn’t want to interfere with our Second Amendment rights—it wants to ensure that every gun purchaser is legally able to own a gun.

Fortunately, at GIFFORDS we’re well aware that Trump and Republican extremists don’t speak for all gun owners. It’s why we launched our Gun Owners for Harris-Walz coalition—and why we heard from hundreds of gun owners about their reasons for voting for Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz on November 5. 

Join the Gun Owners for Harris-Walz coalition and help us fight for a safer future.

But instead of just telling you why gun owners support the Harris-Walz ticket and are organizing to send them to the White House, we thought we’d let the quotes speak for themselves.

Read what responsible gun owners across the country had to say about why they are supporting Vice President Harris and Governor Walz:

“I’ve hunted and shot guns since I was 12, and throughout my life I was always taught that with the rights of gun ownership comes responsibility. And that’s why I support the Harris-Walz ticket—because just like me, they support the right to own firearms while understanding that we have a responsibility to our families, communities and country to implement commonsense gun safety laws that save lives.” —Montana

“As a gun owner and veteran, I am voting for Kamala Harris. I believe that only Kamala Harris can pass the popular measures needed to stem the gun violence epidemic across America. Support for universal background checks, extreme risk protection orders and raising the age to purchase and carry weapons and ammo are not just pro-life, they are pro-family, pro-police, and pro–law and order.” —Texas

Don’t want to wake up to hear there was yet another school shooting. Kids are supposed to be safe at school. My heart aches for every parent who loses a child anywhere because of guns in the wrong hands.” —Pennsylvania 

“Vice President Harris and Governor Walz are our best chance to mitigate violence in this country. They emphasize caring, compassion and government being helpful for all Americans. They know that you don’t ‘just get over’ trauma from gun violence. It’s that kind of understanding we need in the White House.” —Michigan

My favorite cousin committed suicide three years ago. He was a Vietnam veteran who had PTSD. He was a gun owner and a wonderful man. He is why I’m adding my name to this gun owner list, to do something about this growing problem. Twenty-two veterans commit suicide every single day.” —Arizona

“The first thing I learned as a young gun owner was the importance of safety: safe handling, safe storage, safe shooting. Every responsible gun owner believes in gun safety. We need a president who shares that belief.” —Connecticut

“I have been a gun owner since I was a kid. I grew up learning to shoot as a Jr. NRA member. I am appalled at what the NRA/gun lobby of today is doing to block commonsense gun laws. As a grandparent I want my grandchildren and all the children of America to go to school without fear of being victims of gun violence. I, along with Kamala Harris, am a responsible gun owner and I support her position on gun laws.” —California

The right to own guns must be balanced with the right to public safety. Responsible gun ownership means wanting to keep dangerous weapons away from dangerous people.” —Ohio

“I am ashamed that my country tolerates the mass murder of children.” —Ohio

“I like firearms, I love my shotgun, I support the Second Amendment, but I HATE gun culture and the lobbyists involved. I’m a gun owner, not a gun toter. Big difference between the two.” —Kansas

What side of history do you want to be on? The side that did something or the side that did nothing to help end this epidemic of gun violence?” —Massachusetts




The NRA’s extremist views don’t represent the majority of gun owners. Responsible gun owners understand that commonsense gun laws go hand-in-hand with firearm ownership.

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