In 2023, we celebrated major anniversaries while continuing our fight to end gun violence. Our movement has grown so much in recent years, and despite challenges we’ve faced along the way, we’re only getting stronger.  


Decades of Courage

Throughout 2023, we celebrated both the 10th anniversary of GIFFORDS and the landmark 30th anniversary of GIFFORDS Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence with events, interviews, an expansion of our program, and more.

Last year, our efforts to end gun violence across America continued in state legislatures, courts, Congress, and beyond—and our movement grew bigger and louder than ever. One of the many highlights that encapsulated this was First Lady Jill Biden speaking to GIFFORDS Law Center supporters in San Francisco about the continuing importance of preventing gun violence in America. 

When the organization that would become GIFFORDS Law Center was founded in 1993 after a horrific mass shooting, it was hard to imagine just how much it would expand. And when our founder Gabby Giffords launched GIFFORDS in 2013, the movement was just beginning to gain momentum. But we’ve come so far, and achieved so much together. 

Last year, we hosted gatherings in Los Angeles and Washington DC to bring our community together to honor victims of gun violence and recommit to our mission. We also organized the first-ever Community Violence Intervention Conference and filed a lawsuit on behalf of the victims of the 2022 Buffalo shooting. 2023 featured a remarkable amount of activity and progress, and there’s so much more to come—thanks to the strong organization we’ve built. But our work isn’t over, and we’re grateful to have you by our side. Your support makes the difference in this fight. 

“I’m grateful for the hard-won victories we’ve achieved together over these past 10 years, and I’m even more grateful for the courage of every single person who devoted time and energy to achieving them.”

—Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords


Over 40,000 Americans lose their lives to gun violence every year. In communities, courts, and ballot boxes nationwide, Giffords fights to save lives from gun violence. Will you join us?

COLLABORATING to Prevent Community Violence

Our inaugural Community Violence Intervention (CVI) Conference brought together more than 600 leading experts, advocates, and practitioners to share insights, challenges, and best practices for stopping gun violence in our communities. 

We launched GIFFORDS Center for Violence Intervention to highlight community violence, one of the main drivers of gun violence in America, as well as to elevate the community organizations and strategies that break cycles of violence.

Our first major project was to bring the CVI community together and create a forum to advance the movement and drive progress. Held in Los Angeles over the summer, the 2023 Community Violence Intervention Conference featured a rich program, including dozens of distinguished speakers like DOJ officials, university professors, CVI workers doing this work day in and day out, and our founder Gabby Giffords. 

But what made this conference exceptional was the diverse audience it attracted. We had the privilege of hosting hundreds of outreach workers and survivors who brought invaluable perspectives across a wide range of topics, from workforce development to the best ways to support CVI workers on the ground. 

Gun violence takes so many forms, and one that often gets left behind in the media is community violence. CVI strategies are crucial to reducing violence and saving lives, and we want to help put the organizations and people doing this work in the best position to succeed.


The lifesaving work we do at Giffords Law Center wouldn’t be possible without the courageous, committed leadership of our board of directors.

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2023 at a glance

In 2023, our team expanded our program, challenged the gun lobby in court, and helped pass strong gun legislation in dozens of states.

We launched chapters in Georgia and Montana, expanding our program to nine states.

Veteran political leader Emma Brown came on board as our new executive director.

We sued social media and gun companies for their role in the racist mass shooting in Buffalo.

We met with survivors in Uvalde and outlined what resources the community needs to continue healing in a new report.

Following last year’s flawed Supreme Court decision, the number of gun lobby challenges exploded.

A landmark California bill taxing the gun industry to fund violence intervention became law.

Every year, we prove that states with strong gun laws experience fewer gun deaths.

25 states and Washington DC passed 103 gun safety bills in 2023, bringing the total since Parkland to 382.




We’re grateful for the support of the following foundations that made our lifesaving progress possible in 2023.

We’re thankful for the generosity of the below list of philanthropic foundations, whose investments advanced our efforts in the fight end gun violence. Many of these organizations are long-term partners whose continued support is essential to our work. 

2023 Foundation Support

  • Blue Shield of California
  • The California Wellness Foundation
  • Coleman Family Foundation
  • Arie & Ida Crown Memorial
  • The Paul & Phyllis Fireman Charitable Foundation
  • The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
  • The Joyce Foundation
  • Kautz Family Foundation
  • MET Foundation
  • The Morningstar Foundation
  • Ronald W. Naito Foundation
  • New Venture Fund/Fund for a Safer Future
  • Pew Charitable Trusts
  • Roots & Wings Foundation
  • Rosenthal Family Foundation
  • Samuels Family Foundation
  • Harold Simmons Foundation
  • Van Loben Sels/RembeRock Foundation
  • The WhyNot Initiative


Every day, the experts at Giffords Law Center work tirelessly to craft, enact, and defend the gun safety policies and programs that save lives. A safer America is within reach, but we need your courage and commitment to get there.




Since founding Giffords in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, we’ve helped pass a remarkable 525 significant gun safety laws in 49 states.

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Below is a detailed breakdown of our 2023 financials.

GIFFORDS Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, our 501(c)3 organization, receives funding from individual donors, foundations, law firms, and corporations. In 2023, as in previous years, the majority of our earnings was spent on our efforts to save lives from gun violence through litigation, research, legislation, and community violence intervention strategies. The below financials are limited to GIFFORDS Law Center and do not represent funding or revenue for other GIFFORDS entities. 




Saving lives from gun violence isn’t only the responsibility of politicians or private citizens—more and more, the private sector is showing the courage to fight for a safer future. New research shows that customers want companies to take clear, decisive action on the social issues that matter to everyday Americans.

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